Can An Abuser Have a Gun in Texas?

Your gun rights may be impacted if you are accused of domestic violence in Texas. Can a convicted abuser get a gun in Texas? Whether an individual convicted of a domestic violence offense can get a gun in Frisco, Texas, for example, depends on the specific conviction...

Open Carry Law in Texas

Texas is an open-carry state for handguns. Open carry refers to when a person carries a firearm in public that is either fully or partially visible to others. It is different from concealed carry, where the gun is not visible to the casual observer. The right to open...

Details About the New Gun Laws in Texas

The Texas legislature recently passed several new gun-related laws designed to ease restrictions on firearms. These laws will have a significant effect on all Texans, especially the 1.2 million residents who are active holders of concealed handgun permits. Below is a...