Is Drug Possession Less Severe if You Are a Juvenile?

In an era where the conversation surrounding drug policy is evolving, questions about the severity of punishments for drug possession have become more common. One particularly debated topic is how the law views drug possession for juveniles as opposed to adults. Is...

Are Opioids a Crime in Texas?

The opioid epidemic is a critical problem in the United States. Possessing or selling opioids are a crime in Texas. Overdose is the leading cause of injury-related deaths in America, with the majority of overdoses now involve opioids. In Texas, one out of four people...

Penalties For Drug Possession in Texas

If you are arrested for drug possession in Texas, you may be concerned about what may happen. Texas does punish drug possession offenses harshly. You could be sentenced to a lengthy prison sentence and face large fines. A conviction on drug possession charges can be...

What is Drug Trafficking in Texas?

Texas takes drug trafficking charges very seriously and penalizes convicted defendants harshly. If you or a loved one have been arrested for drug trafficking in Frisco, you should immediately reach out to an experienced criminal defenses attorney. These charges cannot...